SCC RFS Statement

by | Jun 15, 2023

The statement can be found here.

Proposed Fire Brigade Station Manyana

We want to be sure you know that plans for a new Fire Brigade Station at Manyana are progressing as Council and the Rural Fire Service work together to provide upgraded firefighting facilities in your town.

The decision to build the station stemmed from a review of information after the Currowan Fires that devastated the region in 2019-20.

We have consulted with representatives of Redhead Villages Association and Manyana Matters Environmental Association to ensure that the ecological issues and firefighting needs are understood and considered. All parties were in agreement. We thank the RFS, RHVA and MMEA for the constructive role they have played in the process.

We want to make sure you’re across the plan too.


A purpose-built fire station that provides access to equipment in times of crisis, as well as allowing for quick response times to protecting lives and property in times of emergency. Through contemporary design, the facility will provide for the health and safety of firefighters and potential for meeting spaces for community access.


The project is funded under the NSW Bushfire Local Emergency Recovery Fund (BLERF) package, allowing upgraded facilities to be delivered via the grant.
The funding is secure.

Next steps

The development application is being determined by Council.

Source: https:://